School Policy
School fees may be paid annually or termly but are due on or before the first day of school. Only certified bank drafts made payable to Mahnatez International School or online funds transfer will be accepted. Transaction notification details or Payment advice should be brought to the Bursar in the school or mailed to
Please note that withdrawal from school requires a term’s notice in writing to the Head of School. If this procedure is not followed then one full term’s fee will be forfeited.
Homework is an integral part of learning, which unites the home and school. Homework will consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly in Literacy and Numeracy and extend school learning through additional reading, projects, learning of tables or practicing spelling. We encourage parents to make out quality time to build a sustainable study habit in their children. Our children will get the best results when teachers and parents work together.
Pupils must maintain regular and prompt attendance to ensure overall success; those who arrive late miss out on learning activities. Consistent morning routines are imperative to building a child?s independence, balance and confidence. Taking of holidays during school period should be avoided due to the impact of absence on children?s learning and achievement. Schooling is viewed as a priority here; hence, daily attendance is expected except in cases of illness or emergency.
Continuous Assessment
Our continuous assessment is an essential part of the assessment for the term and it accounts for 30% of the total scores. The assessment dates are structured at the beginning of each term to ensure a smooth flow of activities in the school; consequently, tests will not be done before or after the scheduled dates. Absences within the assessment periods are not allowed except in cases of illness which must be supported by medical report.
Hair Style
This should be simple and tidy. Boys are expected to wear a well groomed hair; no afro and stylish haircuts. Girls should braid their natural hair; hair attachment and other forms of hair extension are not allowed.
The children look forward to special days like birthdays. They love to stand in front of the school assembly and be celebrated. We accept cake and drinks in plastic bottles, party packs and mufti are allowed. We encourage you to donate books to the school library to mark your child?s birthday. Time for celebration is 10.30am ? break time
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